Writing custom HTML

Is there anyway I can build a page without using the drag 'n' drop Mendix modeller? I'd prefer to just write my own HTML.
2 answers

Mmm, I guess you are not making friends with this question in a Mendix forum :). If you don't like the html Mendix generates, well don't use Mendix. If you need special kind of html for certain purposes within a Mendix project write a custom widget that creates the html for you. There is templating available which allows you do anything you want.


Yes it's possible.

You can place custom html pages in the project folder "theme". In order to access Mendix you need to load the Mendix application with (custom) Javascript. You can steal it from the index.html page. And then with the Mendix Client API you can do all the stuff Mendix pages can do also.

But indeed, why would you do that? ;-)
