Creation of built-in database fails

I'm currently testing the application I've build, but I messed up the built-in database, so I decided to create a new database. But for some kind of reason I got the error written below during the creation of the database and I can't run the application anymore. 2009-08-20 13:47:01.182 ERROR - MICROFLOWENGINE: Exception occurred in microflow 'TestApp.CreateDefaultImages' for activity 'Retrieve default logo'', all database changes executed by this microflow were rolled back. I didn't made any changes in the model. Can someone tell me what is wrong?
1 answers

Did you define a start-up microflow in your project settings? If so, this microflow is executed during startup even though no database exists yet. This causes errors if the start-up microflow tries to, e.g., retrieve an object.
