The Mendix Cloud is already deploying this app. Please wait for the current deployment to finish before attempting a new one.

I can't RUN my application. I'm waiting for more than two hours and still show this message. "The Mendix Cloud is already deploying this app. Please wait for the current deployment to finish before attempting a new one."
4 answers

File a support ticket (same sollution by the way as stated in the other post).




I have the same problem since yesterday and already done everything we can think of (re-download, update, sync, etc) . This way we cannot continue working :|

Already filed an incident ticket as well but still no response... anyone had the same problem and resolved it?



This is something I experience from time to time. It usually just (after some time) start working again. I've experienced this when I start deploying and before the application could start up, the modeler is shut down (manually or otherwise). One other solution I've had to use in the past is to download the project from the team server again. This works if the changes I had made were already committed or if I hadn't made any changes at all. Sucks if I've just done some pretty awesome logic that I now have to do over though.

Perhaps you can try Ronald's suggestion of filing support ticket.


I also expericed this issue, filed a ticket and has been resolved by sopport.  I would prefer  we get more details on the problem and, if possible release the lock when its there. In sandbox  we cant control applications at all...
