[Idea Forum] - Q3 2016 - OPEN

Welcome to the Q3 IdeaForum! We will use this thread to gather feedback and prioritize features. We value your input! We might not be able to implement each feature, but please know that we look at each idea and incorporate it in our roadmap one way or the other. Rules: This is not a place for bug fixes, please use the support portal for that. Please don't post multiple ideas in one answer. This will make it easier to determine which are actually the best idea's. Upvote and motivate your upvote as a comment! No down-voting! Check the latest Mendix version if your feature is still applicable Use the following layout to submit a new features in this thread: Short description Short motivation (mention business value, impact and urgency)
84 answers

Replace the document templates with something similar as the new page designer!

It is really hard to explain that I can build an entire application in just a few days and then spend another three days to produce a PDF that fits the styling guidelines! And the rather fashionable rounded corners aren't possible at all.

And customers expect the charts they saw on their homepage to appear in, for example, management info PDFs too, which is not possible at all at the moment.

This has been requested before I am sure, but I just could not resist drawing attention again to this really painful part of Mendix.


Change the idea forum format

First of all, I think the idea forum is a wonderful initiative to let the users vote on the best new features of the already amazing Mendix Platform. But in my opinion it could be improved. We have an idea forum each quarter. After each quarter some of the requested ideas are realized in the platform. The other ideas are "forgotten" or at least we don't get any updates on their status partly because a new idea forum is started.

Why not create a new format in which you don't start over every quarter but in stead don't stop at all. This way the most important and most voted for feature will keep the attention it deserves until it is realized or dismissed with a clear explanation.

Take a look at the ideas forum of PowerBI. They have filters for new, hot and top ideas as well as categories. I think a forum like this would be great for our community!


Conditional visibility based on microflow returning a boolean

To prevent calculated attributes and allow for complex logic to edit attributes or view all kinds of elements introduce the option to choose a microflow that returns a boolean in the condition for visibility dialog.


Provide the community with a status report of what is being planned to be picked up from the previous Idea forum topic

It would be handy for the community to know what will happen to the ideas posted in the previous Idea topic. If this could be a page somewhere with what is going to be picked up and when, with current statuses etc. that would be awesome.

Being able to provide ideas is great, see them being implemented is even better!


When running a microflow from navigation, give it the same options as when running from a button

Right now it's not possible to make a microflow run async or give it a progress indicator when you run them from the navigation. I think the developer deserves the freedom to configure this.


Manage user roles - module roles connection from Module security

Currently, you can only link user roles to module roles from the Project security window. But often it would be a lot easier if you can directly link a module role to a user role from within the Module security window.

This would also increase the readability of the model, because you can more easily see which user roles have access to which pages/microflows.

Example I want to know which users have access to a certain page. When I go to the page, I can easily see which module roles have access to that page, but from there on, I can not see which user roles are linked to these module roles. I'd have to go to the Project security window, and check for each user role, whether or not they have this specific module role selected. So I cannot easily see which user roles have access to the page. If I could see on Module security level, which user roles are connected to the module roles, I can see easily and faster which user roles have access to that page.


More comprehensive Excel exporter as a native Mendix functionality

The current export to Excel function in Mendix is very limited. There is a module available in the app store which can do more, but costs a lot of time to configure and is not really friendly to use.

I think that Mendix should have a comprehensive Excel export functionality out of the box. Clients love to have their reports generated in an Excel file.


Allow for conditional visibility on more than just enumerations and booleans

Currently, we can only make a form element conditionally visible by attributes that are either enumeration or boolean. It would be great if this functionality could be extended to other attributes (especially String). This would mean that we can achieve more complex logic without the use of a microflow and additionally attributes. When the string attribute is selected from the dropdown, we can use xpath constraint, a microflow expression, or a string literal to determine what value should be checked for in order to show/hide the form element in question.

What this would mean for business value and impact is that it makes development faster and easier so that even beginner developers can achieve complex functionality like this right out of the box.


When adding an action button make sure the default is run microflow. This seems to be the option that you choose the most, and by changing the default this would enhance productivity in the modeler.


Set permissions of attribute in attribute dialog

alt text

In the edit attribute dialog add a list of module roles and a drop down for the permission in that role. If roles are redundant you might want to add a description column.


Excluding activities within a microflow

Currently it is possible to exclude microflows, pages etc. within the project explorer. In my opinion it would be useful if the same functionality can be made available for editing microflows. In other words: 'commenting out' certain activiteit within a microflow, just as you can comment out lines of code in a Java file.


'Run Locally' vs 'Run in Sandbox'

Add an option to the Preferences window to allow the user to select a different default choice for 'Run Locally' vs 'Run in Sandbox'


Remember the log level

Currently after every restart you need to set the log level again.


The data grid is very good and really quick in rendering in browsers, but I still missing a few functionalities which would prevent me to use the very very slow template grids.

  1. The cells in the data grid should respect the end of lines you used in your text boxes;
  2. Some conditional text formatting should be added, for instance if an attribute is set to true the text should be bold and underlined;
  3. The background color of a cell should colored based on conditional formatting, for instance if an attribute is greater dan 5 the background should be red.

Datagrid buttons: Conditionally visible/editable based on xpath

In a datagrid buttons can be conditionally visable based on an attribute of the associated object in the dataview. It is only possible to used one attribute, but often you want this to be more sofisticated and use more logic or different attributes. This can be solved by creating an additional attributes for this purpose and create BCO-microflow to update these attributes. This will lead to all non-functional attributes in the domain model.

It would be nice to have an additional option where a xpath can be used.

This same option can also be used for the conditionally editable option in dataviews


Allow customization of data grid and list view 'empty' message

Add an option on data widgets that allows developers to enter a custom message when no results are found. This would be useful when the widget is populated via XPath or microflow, and also the built-in search.


Mobile support for pull-to-refresh

We're creating a mobile app using Mendix, and this means we spent more time working on features for mobile than desktop. A lot of apps on your mobile already support pull-to-refresh, so it would be awesome if we can do the same in Mendix.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can swipe down on a list view to simulate a pull-to-refresh?


Make it possible to export/download an imported xsd file from the modeler

Once you import an xsd file into an xml schema, you can not export/download the xsd file anymore. So if you've lost the xsd file and want to make a change, you'd have to create the xsd file again. The xsd file (or at least the schema information it contains) is available in the modeler, so it shouldn't be that difficult to create an export of the xml schema into an xsd file.


Drop downs with dynamic values (without reference)

Currently, drop down form fields can be used in two ways: over an enumeration and over a reference. There are times when we might want to simply provide some values on-the-fly for the user to choose from that aren't associated with any object. This cannot be achieved via an enumerations (unless Java is used, I presume; I'm not certain).

Case in point, I recently wanted to search documents by chapters. But rather than presenting the full range of chapters (enumeration), I only wanted the relevant chapter values to show. So what I had to do is get the minimum and maximum chapters from the entity and loop from one to the next, populating a non-persistable entity with each iteration, and using that as the reference for the documents entity. This is a lot to have to go through.

What would be more ideal is if we could generate the values of a drop down list from a microflow.


Select changes to (not) commit

I often do not want to commit all my changes, but now always everything is committed. Validation of the model with only the committed changes is then also important to prevent incorrect models.


Show the input parameters documentation in calling microflows

When I have a reusable microflow and I call that microflow I would like to see the documentation of the parameters. Now I need to open the microflow and the parameter in order to see that.


ability to specify commit rights on an entity

I couldn't find this one in this topic, it is the result of https://forum.mendix.com/questions/7016/Define-error-message-in-before-commit-event as experienced in many projects by myself.

The idea is that currently it is possible to change and commit through JSON (only), bypassing custom validations. By implementing certain patterns, it is possible to restrict committing through microflows only. For appstore modules however, it is not desired to change them but none implements these kinds of patterns. A setting 'allowCommit', just like 'allowCreate' and 'allowDelete' would make life so much easier, for both non-appstore and appstore modules in making your application (more) secure.

Priority/business need: high


Better navigation in forum

This is mainly applicable for topics like these with alot of answers and comments, but applies to other topics aswell.

I like to keep track of these topics, however whenever somebody posts a comment/reply, there is no to easily figure out (to my knowledge) what post the comment was on (or of it was a comment at all). Would be great to see a ''newest posts'' section or something similar.


Constraint Enumeration values

make it possible to only select a smaller number of options from an enumeration list, by either XPath constraint or other attributes. So if value 1 = true then allow for selection option 1,2,3 from the enumeration. if value 1 = false allow for selecting 4,5,6,7


Have the ability to use inheritance objects in a published app/web service

Currently Mendix does not support specialisations in publishing a web service. This would be extremely powerful, since we do not want to make different implementations due to restrictions Mendix has. Specialisations can be extremely powerful. Please add.


End-user friendly URLs

The 6.7.0 release contained a step towards more userfriendly URLs. I would like to suggest support for pages with objects and other ways to retain data in the url (for bookmarking and sharing purposes).

1) Retain the deeplink URL in the address bar and as URL

  • When the page is bookmarked, the page should be bookmarked with the deeplink URL (not the index.html)
  • When the page is shared, via email, whatsapp, telegram, twitter, fb or any other channel the shared URL should be the deeplink URL (not the index.html)
  • When the phone screen is locked or the user in any other way loses his anonymous user session (timeout, disconnect etc.) the page should reload the deeplink URL (not the index.html)
  • When the crawler / bot of twitter, facebook, etc follows back the url he can come up with the right page/content

2) Parse parameters to the URL

  • When the anonymous user fills in a wizard with several steps certain data should be retained in the URL. So when he bookmarks / emails the URL to himself he can continu with the specific step and has certain data pre-filled from the previous attempt. E.g. www.application/link/personA/wizard/step4/dob-19840124

Paging size selector on data grid

It would be very handy if you can turn on an option on the data grid to show the amount of records per page. (10,20,50,100)


Show history of commit messages on the User Story in the dev portal

Currently the develop tab shows a flat list of all commits that can be ordered from newest to oldest and vice versa. Given that a developer can associate a commit to 1 or more stories would it be possible to group the messages and reveal them on the story details? Also, It would be great to see which microflows, pages have changed.

This would add some auditing value, and could be helpful during standups, sprint demos and retrospectives


The ability to add content in the header of a popup.

The popup layout does not allow for the developer to display custom formats to the header of the popup. This would be useful for when there needs to be more than just a title in the header. For instance, if you have a popup for a location and want specific details like the address and the location name within the header.

Location 1, Building 1
100 Main ST, New York, NY

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Popup Body


No auto Commit behaviour when 'Run in Sandbox'

When testing in the sandbox environment, changes to the model are auto committed when the model is run. This is done without requesting a user message. In stead the text 'Automatic commit of changes for sandbox deployment' is automatically added. Please give the user the option to enter an applicable message.


Default to show label or not

Include standard functionality to choose whether to show or not the label of an attribute for the whole model. In cases where you have generated automatically the pages you have to disable one by one the names, this could be easier to set a default for generated pages.


Since this was such a good idea, and I really think this would make our life as a developer easier:

The ability to define custom parameters for flows triggered from UI

Instead of always having to pass only an object to microflows triggered from the UI, I would like to be able to define these parameters myself. It would be especially helpful if we'd be able to set multiple parameters, but it would be even more awesome if we could also set attributes, enumeration values, or even Strings, Integers, etc as parameters.

alt text


Concurrent execution/disabled during action options on microflows or buttons

Right now it's not really clear where to configure a microflow to prevent running twice when a user double-clicks a button. On the datagrid buttons you cannot set this option and on dataview buttons you also cannot set it. On action buttons in the page you CAN set it and it is called: "Disabled during action"

You CAN set the option on all microflows. Then it is called: "Concurrent execution".

What I would like to suggest is:

  1. Remove the option: "Disabled during action" from all microflow buttons.
  2. Update the options you have on the microflow. Make it possible to allow concurrent exection only for the current session or for all sessions. Also don't make it mandatory to run an error microflow. This is also not mandatory when used on the button.
  3. Set microflows to disable concurrent execution per session to default.

Combining multiple comparisons of the same attribute/variable

There are many times that I use an Exclusive Split and put something like the following in it:

if $Object/Name = 'A' or $Object/Name = 'B' or $Object/Name = 'C' then 'do this' else 'do that'

It would be nice if something like the 'matches'-method from Java can be implemented in the modeler, so I don't have to repeat the variable or attribute name for every possibility I want to check. Something like:

if matches($Object/Name,'A|B|C') then 'do this' else 'do that'.


The ability to view known/reported incidents

Every time I submit a ticket I ask myself: Is it something someone else has not already done. In other words, is there already a ticket available regarding the same issue?? If so, I would like to 'follow' the status of the ticket and make it known to Mendix support that I have the same issue also. I can image al little extra information is necessary, but I can see multiple advantages. Also the difference between 'internal' and 'external' shared information.

For developers: - Knowing what other issues are submitted and other Mendix developers run into. - Not having to deliver the same information twice (or more) overall. - Not having to create a test project (which in certain cases takes a lot of time) - Could start a discussion for finding the best solution or workaround.

For Mendix: - Not having to review the entire information again. - Less communication is needed. - Updating all linked tickets together. - Having less tickets in total.


A better user experience for creating document templates. Document templates is outdated, limited and costly to create any sort of basic report.


Get a step closer to the ultimate debugger

Get a step or two closer to the ultimate debugger by:

  • Allowing Mendix developers to update variables on the fly when debugging microflows.
  • Allowing Mendix developers to set conditional breakpoints.

getCaption() on an empty enumeration

this gives an error, please just let it return '' or empty string.


A few customers in the UK that require by law to offer welsh as a language option. We therefore need an extra language to be added into the Mendix modeler to accommodate the welsh.

Some more information on the act:


So if we can have an extra option in the modeller for welsh that would help a lot.

Regards Simon


Progress bar for microflows in the navigation menu.

I would like to be able to define a progress bar when I start a microflow from the progress bar, so the user gets feedback and does not have to wait until something happens after a few seconds.


Snippet with parameter(s)

Pages containing tab-pages often have a similar structure, only differing in for example the XPath of the datagrid on the tab-page. It would be handy to use the same snippet on each tab-page if it would be possible to specify parameters (like an XPath) to a snippet.


Option to execute commit action during microflow

When doing imports where other objects rely on previously imported objects you need to have the previously imported objects committed in the database (to check != empty). This is especially handy if you want your data to be able to be synchronized as well.


Delayed After Startup flow

Add the option to have a delayed after startup flow so that the application in fact is started rather quick and the the less essential setup can be done directly afterwards. Then the first users can login already and in the background the extra functionality is triggered.

I can imagine to have the SSO and servlets directly during startup. But for example syncing the modelreflection in the delayed startup.


I think it would be a great thing to add an option that lets you select what will happen when you leave your current page (other menu item or backspace). So when you're on a page you can select for instance "page properties" and select an action what will happen when you leave it. I think everyone has had the problem with leaving a page without rollback an item. A domain entity that exists within your browser has a state that is captured and stored locally. If you do not roll it back via a microflow or cancel button, the Mendix client will keep that state and show it to the user. This is intended by Mendix because it allows you to have multiple widgets on your client that points to the same object and are kept in sync.

So in some cases this can help you but in other it will only cause problems. So an option to select what you want instead of just always store it, would be a great feature.


Search fields and sorting on grids with datasource microflow

No need to explain. Some things can only be retrieved by datasource

Business need: high


To have a placeholder text on enum fields or reference drop downs, like we have on string input filelds

There are many work-arounds, but it should just be part of the modeler:


I get this request from a lot of clients


Option to trim username and password in the LoginForm widget

In a situation, new users get an e-mail with a generated password. At first login, the user has to change the password. What happens is that the user copies the generated password from the e-mail, but sometimes, this contains a leading or tailing space and the login fails. Copying usernames and passwords with spaces will happen in more situations.


Ability to select where validation messages are displayed

It would be a nice feature to have the ability to select where the validation message displays. Either above or below the input control.


Extend the function toString() to also work for Booleans


Update a page with a data view with the (new) attributes of that object which are not included yet.

In some case you make use of auto generated data view pages, but after a while objects are extented with attributes. So instead of deleting a dataview adding again or dropping the attributes to the data view...just add a button to update the data view with all the attributes - already included attributes = (new) attributes which were not included yet in the data view.


Include a microflow activity to redirect in a MF to a specific/attribute url and open it, without creating a page with URL redirector widget to that url.


Detach / comment microflow actions.

Add a checkbox to each microflow step in the bottom right corner, once this checkbox is toggled allow for setting a default value for whichever variable/object/list was there and consider this step to be commented out, this way you can test/complete a microflow even though not all data is available, which is often the case in projects. Also it makes it possible to test scenarios easier.


Allow for using aggregate list results in statements for decisions and variables

Without having to create each "aggregate step" separately inside the microflow allow for creating statements like :

count($list1) - count($list2) = 1

sum($list1/value) - 15

average($list1/value) + average($list2/value) < 10


Improve the performance and usability of the feedback section of Sprintr

The handling of feedback items is very cumbersome and slow.

Some improvement points:

  • When you, for instance, close a feedback item you have to wait (without a progress bar) for about 5 seconds.
  • When you close a feedback item or press the go back link you are always send back to the first page of the list, even when your item was on the last.
  • Make it possible to select multiple feedback items and do batch actions like convert to story of mark as solved.
  • Search through all items in stead of searching per status

Make Git available in the TeamServer

I would be nice if it was also possible to use Git as a version control system. A lot of tools, especially around CI/CD, out of the box support for SVN is limited and support for Git is available.


Using flex-box for the responsive layout container


Remove default values for auto generated mappings

When generating a mapping for XML to domain, Mendix automatically creates the entities with it's attributes that are necessary (nice feature). However, when creating certain attributes, the default for number attributes (int, decimal) is '0'. Please leave those empty too, so no incorrect mapping can be created when using the entities in mappings to and from xml. '0' represents a value where the generated entities should be neutral.


Batch committing to database in iterations

When iterating through large lists of objects, a proper handling of commits inside the microflow is needed. What Mendix does is actually do all commits once the MF is done, but what is often needed is that a commit after let's say the first iteration in a loop, when there are 100 iterations, really already commits to the database.

The option to use the CommunictyCommons StartTransaction and EndTransaction are there, but Mendix does not take accountability on those. Hence a proper Mendix supported solution is needed


Multiple GUI presets

This has been mentioned before, but I would like to have multiple GUI presets in the Business Modeler that I can choose from, which remember the position of my view, panes, etc.

At work, I use Mendix on a laptop with an external monitor attached (sometimes even two). In transit (i.e. in the train or plane), I work on a single screen. It would come in handy if I can just switch between GUI presets from the Business Modeler itself without manually having to rearrange the view and panes.


Dynamicalled Sized Tables

It would be helpful if there was a way to have dynamically sized tables whose rows could be populated via a data source


Have the option to retrieve the default value of a search field with a microflow

Right now the default value of a search field can only be entered as a string. In some situations it would be very handy to have the default search field as a variable value. For example a value based on a member of the current user.


Make English UK a default language like English US

Many customers in the UK change the language to English UK. Very annoying and would be solved if Mendix provides English UK language as a default language as well.


Leave page confirmation option

It would be handy if we have an option available in the properties to show a 'leave page confirmation'. this could be shown for example if there are unsaved changes on the page in your app


Live-previewed styling with Sass is to my opinion not very easy and well documented, to create stunning apps this must become much easier I think.


Progress message to the 'Generate report' button on a report pane

Building reports often takes long, but it is not yet possible to specify a progress message to the 'Generate report' button on a report pane.

It would be useful to have the option to specify a progress message to the 'Generate report' button on a report pane, just like the Action buttons on a page.


Format a DateTime field in a column in a basic report

It would be usefult to specify a custom format for the DateTime field in a column in a basic report, just like in a normal datagrid.


Make possible to have attribute paths (like database data sources) when using a microflow as a data source for a data grid.


Option to place the paging buttons of a data grid below the table

Currently the paging buttons are only shown above the grid, so when I scroll down I first need to scroll up in order to get to the next page.


Conditional CSS-classes on a widget based on enum/boolean state

Make it possible to set CSS-class(es) on a object/widget based on entity attribute (boolean or enumeration) value/state.


Set title-caption of Group-box widget based on attribute value

Make it possible to set (a part) of the title-caption of the Group-box widget based on attribute value. Currently it's only possible to set a fixed Caption as title.


Fix Sandbox Issues

Specifically the one that causes the message: "The Mendix Cloud is already deploying this app. Please wait for the current deployment to finish before attempting a new one."

We develop PoCs using the Sandbox to show to prospective clients, with the aim being to get buy-in from them, for the Mendix platform. It's very frustrating when theses issues occur with no apparent solution. I understand that the Sandbox only has "Community Support" but it's often the only thing prospective clients can see and it does not create the best impression.

In short, prevent these issues from occurring and/or give developers more control to resolve these problems themselves.


2 things related to Time:

  • Please add more robust parsing to the Date/Time input widget, specifically when the widget is set to TIME input only. My users would kill to be able to type 2p and get 2:00 PM, for example. The parsing seems weak, making inputting massive amounts of time information (for labor tracking application, for example) very tedious.

  • You cannot currently make an editable data grid column that is set to Time only because it throws an error that the date component is missing. Again this would be a huge help because its preferable to enter timesheets for a labor tracking application, or times for a schedule creation app in the grid format and not in a data view.



Snippets (or Snippet Templates) with variables

The community would love to be able to generate multiple objects of a similar template, with different values for the same attribute.

Such as , if we have a database with titles and descriptions, the ability to generate multiple boostrap cards (or even more ideally, a custom element) using the titles and descriptions for each row of information (title, desc, etc).


When converting from 5.21 to 6.01 I experienced nasty issue with add-on widget from App store. I would realy like better warnings/support of version issues. At least there should be warnings(or errors) if current version of modeller is not compatible with add-on module of widget.


Sort attributes on entity automatically

Right click an entity and re-sort the attributes by action. But also make an auto-sort on project settings level so that for each new entity created this sorting option is applied. Added value in this is you no longer have to use move-up / move-down all the time. Make the following options available:


I would like to see that we can use progressbars on menu items. Now i load a dashboard from the menu item without a progressbar but it will take 10-20 seconds to load the dashboard. I cant select a progressbar.


Enable Variables in input Labels

There is a UX need to have variables in input labels. My project uses a list view to generate a list of checkboxes, but i am unable to use variables from the current iteration in the list, in the label. This would enable the user to style the labels, and be able to click on the label or the checkbox in order to check the box.

Currently the only solution is to use a text element next to the checkbox, but then you have to click the checkbox in order to check it, rather than being able to click the text.

Mendix shouldn't pigeonhole its users into using worse UX.


Dynamic Tables


When a page is opened via a micro-flow, if that page corresponds to a navigation item in the navigation layout, that navigation item should be set to active. This should be default behavior in a Mendix application. However a page is opened, it should update the navigation to show that this page is now the open page.

This just adds consistency to the application and is how people would expect an application to function. It doesn't make sense if the navigation only updates sometimes. It is possible to add this functionality by adding custom Javascript, but it would make sense for the application to just work this way out of the box.


When sorting a list / grid / template grid based on an enumeration attribute allow for selecting sort on Key / Value

Currently it default sorts based on key's and can't sort on the textual value set for that enumeration. It would be a nice addition to be able to do this.


Let the default column grid widths be adjustable for Bootstrap's xs, sm, md, lg or xl formats.

We develop alot for tablet screens (sm) and the default grid column widths are for desktop size (md). So we need to add a class (like col-sm-2) for every grid column. It would save us alot of time if we could set the column widths to SM sizes by default. So we can easily adjust the column widths for our apps.


Make the 'Template grid' widget responsive / work with Bootstrap

Wouldn't it be great if the 'Template grid' widget was responsive? Or better yet: that it worked with/like Bootstrap? So you could say on desktop I have 4 columns of 25% width, but on tablet I want that to be 2 columns of 50% and on mobile everything underneath each other with columns of 100% width.


Automatically save XML-schema (XSD) in docs-folder or make it exportable

When you add an XML-schema, you have to 'upload' (select) an XSD. This refers to a local path which can be anywhere. For any other modeler, this path might not exist or be different. It would be nice if the XSD is automatically saved within the Mendix-project, and/or is exportable from the modeler, so that the original plain text XSD can be studied as well.


I would like to suggest to add a feature in which you can specify the default background color of different activities. In our projects we use different colors for activities (ie yellow is variable, blue is list, green is submicroflow). We now have to manually set these colours after creation of an activity, which costs time. On top of that it is possible to forget setting these colours, which could result in microflows having inconsistent colouring. 

It would be appreciated if there is an option to specify custom colours of activitie types that will be applied to the activities that are created afterwards/will be applied to all activities of the same type.

