Hi, I have an xsd/xml which should be shown as drop down list in UI. Also the /XML tags represent tables in my project. <xsd1> <xsd1-xsd2> <xsd2> <xsd2-xsd3> <xsd3></xsd3> </xsd2-xsd3> </xsd2> </xsd1-xsd2> </xsd1> I know this can achieved through MXModelReflection. but i want to know is there any other way to achive this? As the selection goes on i shld form string for the query . Example: The user has navigated from XSD1 to XSD 3 and given a value for the XSD 3 tag , i should go to the database and query the table and get corresponding the XSD1 value. I would have stores multiple XML for this particular XSD. When i search for the particular tag with the value , as a result i should get all the Xml files having this value in that particular tag. Is this possible?