Here my (valid!) microflow (who some may already have seen):
Here is my completely useless, but working Galton Box. Balls fall from the top and bounce left or right at random. Finally they fall into bins. The number of balls is counted.
It produces a binomial distribution. The sample project is available for free.
One of our current projects has led to the creation of The Oil Well:
Furthermore, a simple, but (deadly) efficient flow you'll encounter frequently in our projects is The Lasergun:
prrrr ....
cheated on the eyes and nose but the rest is valid :)
Fountain or beheaded bird
The semi-automatic assault rifle. Expert in terminating calculation issues and a very dangerous microflow.
May the force be with us young padawans.
Elegant enough? [and functional]
Still life..
Hi Martijn,
What are your criteria? Size? If it is too big you should split it. It is too hard to maintain. Beauty? Ah, a modern version of good old ascii art? Would be nice. Elegant? Ok, I can go with that, but that depends of the goal. Lay out and Style? Agree, but a consequent use of size and place is a must, however I've seen many styles.
Ok let everybody vote....
A jewel of a microflow (that actually works)
Not as impressive as everyone else, but there's color
Not as impressive as everyone else but it has some color
Not as impressive as everyone else but it has color