Display of Seal SSL certificate

We build an ecommerce app and for his we decided to use so called “Trusted” seals to improve our conversion. As for our SSL connection we selected Norton Secured Seal of Symantec. The implementation of the SSL certificate is done however we are not able to display the Seal at our application pages. To display the Symantec seal we need to add the following seal script: <table width="135" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" title="Click to Verify - This site chose Symantec SSL for secure e-commerce and confidential communications."> <tr> <td width="135" align="center" valign="top"><script type="text/javascript" src="https://seal.websecurity.norton.com/getseal?host_name=trip.halotravel.com&amp;size=M&amp;use_flash=NO&amp;use_transparent=NO&amp;lang=en"></script><br /> <a href="http://www.symantec.com/ssl-certificates" target="_blank" style="color:#000000 ; text-decoration:none; font:bold 7px verdana,sans-serif; letter-spacing:.5px; text-align:center; margin:0px; padding:0px;">ABOUT SSL CERTIFICATES</a></td> </tr> </table> Next Symantec will perform a continues check to see whether the script is available. In case of a positive result the Seal logo will become visible and customers are able to see more details about the seal when selecting the logo. For example see the Norton logo in the footer of this site https://www.emmaandroe.com.au/Stores As Mendix uses the index.html we are not able to display the seal script continuously. As a result Symantec is not able to perform the check and so to display the Seal logo. We contacted Symantec several times however they stated clearly that the seal script should be visible in the original HTML code all the time however this is not working within Mendix. I wonder whether someone has experiences with the display of trusted seals in Mendix.
2 answers

As Jelle suggested, a custom theme should help you out. Alternatively, you could implement the script with a custom widget?

Alternatively, if that doesn't work for any reason: I don't know exactly how your seal system works and under which circumstances you're allowed to use it. But you could theoretically create a second html page (let's call it seal.html) without all of the Mendix jazz (mostly the script tags). Once you've let Norton verify that you host the seal you could download the image and include it in your Mendix theme.


We are using a custom theme and we added the code in footer! We even tried to use a HTML snippet.
