Change language

It has been discussed before but is it possible in code or microflow to logout, change language and login again from one button to get the same effect as a single language-switch button?
6 answers

Unfortunately, reloading the client alone does not seem to be sufficient to refresh the user language. The user still has to logout and log back in.

We can get a microflow to change the language, logout the user with a java action, and redirect to the front page but.... if only we could log a user back in automatically, the problem would be solved. I guess that's not possible because of passwords though.

I'll submit a feature request for real-time language changing.


so; it's five years later now. Is there a nice and clean solution for this use case? :)


Hmm it would become a bit hacky but maybe a MF trigger which changes the users language, and than open a form with an url redirector widget to index.html might work?

I'm not sure whether you need to login and logout to apply a new language, or just reload the client...

* update * new sessions can be created in java (without knowing the password) using:

IContext c = <some(sudo)context>;
IUser user = Core.getUser(c, username);
return Core.initializeSession(c, user, <null or existing session>, <locale string or empty string>);

If this works why not add it to a default theme? A combobox with available languages. We will inform you about the results.


A possible workaround for the anonymous part of site is: run 2 Mendix services on separate ports. Redirect to port 8080 and 8081 (Sample values). Deploy two identical models, only change the default language. Of course you can deploy more languages. Both use the same database.

Insert a menu or button English/Dutch on every page (probably in the theme) that redirects to the other site. URL Redirector can be used.

Still searching for the part after one is logged in....


what was the final resolution here? I have also filed a feature request (#8143)
