The message says there's no such thing as "dataload.actvtype".
Do you have an entity named "actvtype" in your dataload domain model?
Yes i have but the name is ActvType. Is it case sensitive?
Thanks I figured it out :).
But i have one more question as you see in the query i have used one level of Association , can i use second level of association and query Example:
SELECT * FROM dataload.gsrl INNER JOIN dataload.gsrl/dataload.actvtypegsrl/dataload.actvtype/dataload.actvtypeonemoreentity/dataload.onemoreentity WHERE dataload.onemoreentity/String = 'str'
You can use multiple levels of association in your path, but use _ to describe associations: for example, from one of my apps: INNER JOIN HS.Project/SafeguardingAudit.AuditID_Project/SafeguardingAudit.AuditID
HS.Project = module name HS.entity Project. SafeguardingAudit.AuditID_Project = module name SafeguardingAudit.entity AuditIDover association entity Project SafeguardingAudit.AuditID = module name SafeguardingAudit.. entity AuditID
And so on for as long as you have a path to follow that ends in an entity.