Either use a form with only a DataGrid in the Navigation or
Create a Microflow without input paramerers In the microflow retrieve 1 record and open your form with that one record.
The reason for this is that if you link to a dataview directly from your homeform or from navigation, there "is" no object to show. Each dataview needs one to be able to display. If you want to create a new one, you should link to a Microflow instead of a dataview. Then, in the Microflow, create the object you wish to show and then use a "open dataview" activity to show the object.
If you want to use an existing object, don't create one in the Microflow but do a retrieve.
Evan de Jager, Did you manage to get this sorted out? I also am very new in Mendix, and just hit the first hurdle to understand the application. created a table, and want to view/edit content of the table. If I create a "data view", I get this error, but not for a "data grid", watched the videos on the mendix site but non covers this basic item... Please help...
Michale Weststrate:; Please expand your explanation for me with details please...
Anyone working on a complete training resource on developing with mendix? The titbit videos on the site don't cover enough for a beginner to be left loose with this tool and be comfortable with it...
On a second question, I needed to know what are the licensing/hosting costs with mendix, on their site, no mention about the costs to develop in this tool. Comparing it to their immediate competitor (outsystems.com) I think they should at least list the costs on their site so that one knows what the costs will be. Also, they should have a community edition to allow newcomers to play with the tool for a while and later on to be in a position to seek further training I have about 20 days to go on the trial, and that I think is very limiting to explore a tool (30 days trial)