Hi, I have two questions on the issue of blocked and active users. 1. What exactly the two flags mean and is there documentation explaining it. I'm used to just make user active or inactive, but then what does the block really do? Is there a way to use a role based on System.User that is able to update the active and block flags. I have a number of user roles, one adminsitrator and the others a range of managers, users, etc (all these of System.User type), and manager roles are able to create new users, but whenever I have a grid displaying the users details, I can never see the actual values for active/blocked/logged on date, etc... basically all system.user entuty details. And neither can I update them is I have a data view showing the users entity that extends from system.user entity. Does the system.user only allows administrator type to update this entity? LR.
Luis Rodrigues (hotmail)
2 answers
Block is an temporarily block (5 minutes), which is applied if users enter their password wrong 3 times. It is automatically unset after 5 minutes.
You can indeed not directly display/ edit those properties in a datagrid/ view. However, you can change them using microflows. If you want to read them, use objects which inherit from User with extra (virtual) attributes.
Michel Weststrate
I will hyjack this thread for a bit then....
I am running an application on cloud, and if I set the user to inactive I can still log in. Hence I just killed all the associated roles and assumed that the active-boolean was set by system when a user is, well, loged-on...