Where in the mendix-project should I put my jar-files?

Hi everybody, For the project I currently work on, I need - to call java-actions (no problem) - in this java-action, objects must be accessed that are delivered to me as a *.jar file I have put the jar-files I have recieved in the Mendix installation folder under [installed-path]/server/lib Is this the correct way to do this? In eclipse, I can access the objects that are IN the jar-file But I think, preferably you would want to have the jar-files located somewhere in the project (...) When I do this (located in my project, under the folder 'javasource', the jar-files are visible in Eclipse, but the objects cant be accessed (so in Eclipse I get a build error in my Java-action) I only know very little of java and couldn't find it in the documentation. Can anyone tell where it should be located?
2 answers

You should place them in the userlib directory of your project's deployment location. This way, when deploying your application Mendix will automatically copy them to the correct location and will include them when building a deployment archive. Jar files in this location are also automatically added to the classpath of your Mendix Eclipse project.

(FYI, you should never have to put any files in the Mendix installation directory.)


You should add them to your project in eclipse too. You can do this with the option 'add external jars' in eclipse. Select them from your userlib.

In my eclipse version i do a right click on the project in project navigation. subsequently click:

  • properties
  • java build path
  • add external jars