Search on character ;

We've noticed some strange behaviour. We're importing thousands of error messages in our app. These error messages contains stupid characters like : and ;. When we try to search with a search filter in a grid, we're not getting the right records. When we search on a part of the error message without the ; it works. When exporting the grid to csv it doesn't look nice, because ; is also a delimiter. Is this a bug or did somebody experienced the same?
1 answers

(not an answer to the original question but..)

At least

When exporting the grid to csv it doesn't look nice, because ; is also a delimiter. For example: "foo"; "bar with semicolon ; ; ; " ; "baz" should result in three columns, not six.

Sounds as a bug, the delimiter should be escaped when its exported to CSV. (Did you handcraft the CSV export or use the Mendix built in support?)
