Login does not trigger Alternative Home Pages microflow on Navigation during login

A user with a specific role, does not trigger a particular microflow during login. When that user logs out and logs back in, it still does not work. Using both the refresh and logout buttons do not work. When I "Hard Refresh" the browser, the microflow gets triggered. When I click the "home" button in Mendix, the microflow triggers. Could this be browser related or is the life cycle of the app that it "caches" the last selected screen. I need to always trigger that microflow when a user logs in. Here is the menu: Here is the Microflow:
4 answers

Temporary solution to this, is to alter the login.html page with the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.cookie.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        if (jQuery.cookie('XASSESSIONID') != null) {
           jQuery.cookie('XASSESSIONID', null);
        else {
           console.log('Already reloaded. [just debug status]');

Btw, interesting observation: The logic does not trigger when I use the following URL: http://localhost/ which results into something like http://localhost/#1300449398282_775

The logic however does trigger if I use a more explicit URL: http://localhost/index.html or http://localhost/login.html


It seems that this is still not working. When I close my browser, the Alternative Page's logic never gets triggered unless you do a hard refresh in your browser.

Once I log in, I'm just presented with my old (previous) page.


See a bug post I posted here: https://forum.mendix.com/questions/2027/Mendix-clientside-bug
