normally in programming you would use indeed as suggested a string function like:
Function Split ( _ Expression As String, _ Delimiter As String, _) as String
e.g. Split("Alice;Bob",";") will create your array of "Alice","Bob"
This allows you to parse variables into an array. Unfortunately i haven't seen such a string function in the provided list "string funtion calls" yet so perhaps you have to write a parser yourself....
Community Commons –> String split will create a list from a string given the delimiter.
You can find the first delimiter (often ; or ,) and copy the substring. However the values can only be stored in 'Change object' actions with fixed attribute. In Java you can change an attribute dynamically.
anyObject.setValue(context, memberName, value);
use a combination of find and substring :
example am trying to split the first name from the last name by the space
' '
getting the last name for exmaple :
' '
length($Response/FullName) - 1
Community Commons –> String split will create a list from a string given the delimiter.
For anyone like me also wanting this functionality. There is not an app is the app store: