Experience with SharePoint 2013 API

I'm trying to connect with the SharePoint 2013 REST API. To do that, I got a functional account's username and password. What is the best way to connect with the API using these details? I understand from the reference manual that I need to obtain an access token from an Identity Provider, but there seem to be many options. I read things about using Azure ACS, getting a SAML token or using OAuth by providing a ClientID, Secret and Callback URL. Since these last two have a mendix module, I was wondering whether any of you have experience with this specific API and can help me with best practices.
2 answers

Hi Remco, I had contact with your colleague Johan and helped him finding a solution. Johan ended up using the Webservices_NTLM module found on github. Replaced some functions in Java and it worked.

It was an on premise SP environment.


Hi Bart,

I also have this requirement with an on-premise SP Environment.

it would be helpful if MENDIX provided torough documentation on this topic.

Best regards,

