New autologin functionality in Mendix 6.7.0 - how does this work?

I would love to test this new feature so I: upgraded my project to 6.7.0 and commit generated a new mobile phonegap package build it with phonegap deployed the app to the mendixcloud set the 2 custom settings as stated in the release notes: com.mendix.webui.HybridAppLoginSecret and com.mendix.webui.HybridAppLoginTimeOut. I can log in the app, Killed the app, Started again and I need to login again.. do I missing something in configuration? anyone got this working? plz let me know here! ow and where do I setup the PIN feature?
2 answers

There was a hiccup in uploading a new slimapp version to our cloud infrastructure, but everything should be up and running now. Just build a new PhoneGap app and you should be good to go.


I have issues with the new functionality as well.

I implemented it in the same way as Pim did.

When I test the app my results differ slightly. When I kill the app and open the app again I do not have to login.

However the next day I do need to login to the app again. (this is on an Android Phone and an Android tablet, both give the same issue)
