Mendix 2.5.4 questions

I have just downloaded and upgraded to the new 2.5.4 release and have a few questions and possible issues: 1) The release notes mention: Ticket 7762: Added support for a health check microflow with which the health status of a running application can be determined. Ticket 7761: Additional support for monitoring critical runtime errors. Is there any further information about these enhancements and how they are used? 2) Does the LDAP module require a new version of mxldap1.2_2.5.3.jar for this release? If so, where can I get this? 3) I am using the LPM Module. I notice that the Active Sessions menu is not returning any data since I upgraded. Has the method of getting active sessions changed? 4) I notice that the gzipped versions of the theme files are no longer present in the deployment.mxz file. Is this by design or has it just been overlooked? Should I add the zipped copies to the deployment files?
5 answers

Concerning 3) I haven't had a look yet myself at the LPM in 2.5.4. Given though that the Active Sessions method used for the module is different from the Administration model and rather specific to the LPM (ie, it sets the last time a user was online and the active sessions grid is constrained using this value) the method hasn't changed. I'll have a look though if anything in 2.5.4 broke this.

Update: I just ran my own LPM project (which is just the LPM module itself) in 2.5.4, and Active Sessions for me worked without any problems for both Server Admin and Pool Admin roles. I also checked the test project you submitted on your ticket a few weeks ago, and Active Sessions also worked normally for that one. As a result I suspect it's one of the following:

  • A java action having gone missing.
  • Some security issue specific to your project which came to light due to 2.5.4

On a related note: as you requested, from now on the Mendix Windows Service is released via the release mechanism in the Support Portal.


Regarding 1) - this is part of the monitoring interface on the Mendix Runtime. We use it in our cloud environment. We will create documentation soon to explain the interface and usage if you're not running on the Mendix Cloud Platform.


Concerning 2)

Yes, send an email to


Concerning 4) If those release notes do not mention a reason why this changed it's probably a regression bug... :|
