Export to CSV problem

My legacy data for paymentterm attribute in order entity Keep like this payment1\npayment2 (it's \n between payment1 and payment2) Because,I want to show two line when this attribute render with textarea widget Example : Payment1 Payment2 Recently,When I export data via Export to CSV button on data grid i have somthing wrong. The data containt exportfile.csv always new line after found \n (Can do well with Export to excel) Expected result : Order ID Amount PaymentTerm 00001 650000 Payment1\nPayment2 00002 840000 Payment1 00003 960000 Payment1\nPayment2 Currently result : Order ID Amount PaymentTerm 00001 650000 Payment1 Payment2 <-- Don't like to new line 00002 840000 Payment1 00003 960000 Payment1 Payment2<-- Don't like to new line How easy to fix it? Thank in advance
2 answers

Sounds like a missing escape in the Export to CSV functionality. I suggest filing a bug report.

As temporary workaround you could add an attribute which is set on commit, and stores the same value as your payment attribute, but without "\n" (you can use replaceall for that). Than use that attribute in the export.


Thank you for your reply


I tried to do below

Old :
PaymentTerm = Payment1 +'\n'+Payment2

New :
PaymentTerm = Payment1 +

They didn't work
