Is it possible to install a SSL certificate without IIS?

Is it possible to install a SSL certificate without IIS? So, directly with the Service Manager which couples the certificate to the Tomcat server? I tried to install a SSL certificate in the Mendix Service Manager with the Custom Mendix Setting 'CACertificates' (this is a Comma separated list of paths to Authority Certificates) but this did not work. I know it is possible to install SSL certificates with IIS, but if possible I want to prevent adding another layer (the IIS web server) to the application server.
1 answers

It all depends on your setup. We generally recommend running a frontefacing webserver that proxies dynamic content (/xas and /ws) to the mendix runtime. I don't know about the specifics of IIS (and how we integrate the ssl certificates exactly), but there's loads of info on the interwebs on how to hook up your SSL certificates to either nginx or apache.

I don't know what you mean exactly by using tomcat, the runtime uses jetty internally, which doesn't have support for SSL certificates.
