Value element cannot be used as key or argument, because it appears after object elements in the XML

Can anyone help me with this errormessage? I think it has something to do with the fact that there are objects 'in the middle' of the root object
2 answers

I've seen this error too. In my case I had an XML document like this:


The errors occurs when in the XML mapping you use an object handler microflow for <root-entity> where you pass <root-entity-attribute-2> as the input parameter, because it appears after the sub-entity in the XML document. Changing the XML to the following will fix the error:


In my case this change was no problem (in fact, the second format was "better" for our use-case anyway), so I didn't file a bug report, but it is a bit weird that the order in the XML matters at all (I'm guessing this is a result of using a streaming XML parser).


Thanks Alexander, we have the exact same case. I think that the wsdl we are using can not be changed that easy;

@ Achiel: is it something we could change with some adjustments or is it simply not possible given the fact the we use streaming?
