Hyperlinks in html mail

We're sending html emails in our app and the content of a mail is an configurable attribute in an entity. We've set a link in the content. Something like: http://linktoorder. When you receive the mail in a client like outlook, it will be a click able link. But in hotmail, the link is not click able. This link just plain text, we didn't create a 'real' hyper link by adding the a href tag. So in outlook it works and not in hotmail. To transform this link to a real hyperlink, do I need to use the rich text widget? That way I can create a real hyperlink and this one will also be clickable in hotmail/gmail/mobile clients. Is there another way to fix this? I don't like to add widget if it's not absolutely necessary. Edit: Sometimes we send plain text mails and when I use the rich text editor, the emails will look really ugly. So this isn't a solution for me really.
3 answers

I use the <a link>bla</a> approach on a very regular basis, so probably the link (or the rest of the message) isn't proper html.

Note that normal plain text needs to be escaped (the community commons library provides a function for this) in order to be readable. Furthermore both plain text and html text should be provided when sending the email (the advanced email module has two parameters for this when sending email). This allows not html support email viewers to show the plain text.


If the person configuring the mail layout knowns HTML, he/she can just enter the correct HTML code for generating the link like this:

<a href="http://linktoorder">your order</a>

We tried that, but after doing that we didn't receive mails at all.
