Java Debug error: Port already in use

Hi There, I want to debug a Java action. When I launch the java debugger I get the error: "No permission to open socket or another server is already running on port 8090: Address already in use: JVM_Bind" The Modeler Server settings are as follows: - HTTP Port: 8080 - Server Admin Port: 8090 The Java Debug Environment variables are as follows: M2EE_RUNTIME_PATH: 8080 M2EE_ADMIN_PORT: 8090 Which ports numbers should I change such that I can debug execute a microflow and debug the java action. Regards, Arun
2 answers

Make sure that no other application/service is running on this particular port. The Mendix modeler for example runs on that port by default. Either change the port or stop whatever service is running on 8080 and you'll be able to run the java debugger


I guess you have started the application in the modeler and now want to start the eclipse debugger. You should stop the application in the modeler (so that it isn't running) and then start the eclipse debugger, since the debugger will startup the whole app, so that would result in a second instance otherwise.
