sprintr Feedback submitter v1.0.1 - Should this work with 2.5.4?

This is exactly what I need! Therefore, I would like to use it right now! The documentation says: "Look into the How to install". I can't find that section. Is this something I should be able to use already? How should I install it? Can I link this to my own incident mgt system? I found in the code that a webservice "submitissue" is invoked. If I would implement a webservice like that, could I get this to work? Or do I need a special sprintr project? ======= Robert van 't Hof: It is supposed to work with 2.5.4, but you need a sprintr account. This will be introduced at Mendix World.
3 answers

The Howto Install section refers to the AppStore's own howto, which you can find in the left hand menu below the categories.

Short version: Open the Appstore in your Modeler, go to the app and press Download.


As far as I know this widget is supposed to be used with the sprintr portal which will be launched by Mendix at the end of this month.


Thanks, Robert, that I worked out :-)

Would you know if this is supposed to work with 2.5.4?

Ciao Toon
