Mendix application for deployment as Windows servic

I want to configure my standalone mendix application as windows service. I opened the Mendix Console application and started putting values e.g. Project Path- [The folder where my application resides- C:/MENDIX/PROJECT] Log Path - [Created new folder to save log C:/Log/] Application Root URL - [ The URL which I see in Project settings. In this case it is 'http://Mendix:8091/' ] But I don't know the value for following attribute: Mendix Path - [In forum it say that "This is the folder that contains the Mendix server. ", But I don't know how do I know it? Is it the Mendix folder under 'Program Files' or it is JDK folder or what? Can anyone please tell me what this path is supposed to be and how do I know where my Mendix server is running?]
2 answers

If you followed the Prequisites section of the how-to on deploying for windows, you should now have a folder with the Mendix server files needed to run your application. It is the path to these.

The project and log path etc. are also the paths to the folder you created in the Mendix server folder, not the project path you use for the modeler.

So you should have some folder which I'll for the purpose of example call 'Server'. If you followed the how-to, you should have subfolders in here called Application, Log and Mendix. These are the paths you need.


Application root URL: This should be the public url of your application where users will find the application, for example:
