Export configurable objects

From a service, I get a response of configurable objects that I need to export, both to CSV and XML. This means objects with varying attributes, defined by key value pairs. Note: in a single Result, all objects are consistent: they have the same keys, but the keys will differ over multiple results. A domain model would look like this: Is it possible to export data of this format to CSV and XML by using either standard Mendix functionality or AppStore modules? If not, what would be the best way to implement this? Update Let's say I get two objects with some identifier (which isn't actually relevant to the end user). In this case, the user has requested three attributes, Name, Age and Employer. Each of these two objects has all three attributes. Then, I want to generate: Example CSV: Name, Age,Employer Rom,32,Ciber Erwin,26,Ciber ExampleXML: <Results> <Result1> <Name>Rom</Name> <Age>32</Age> <Employer>Ciber</Employer> </Result1> <Result2> <Name>Erwin</Name> <Age>26</Age> <Employer>Ciber</Employer> </Result2> </Results>
1 answers
  1. Create result NPE with desired attributes (Name, Age, Customer).
  2. Create the desired XSD.
  3. Use the "Export with Mapping" action. In the export mapping document you need to use 'retrieve from microflow' to populate the result NPEs.

This will create only an XML though. Mendix does not generate CSV atm, however you can use microflow to generate the CSV by iterating all entities.
