How to put multiple fusion charts in one form

One of our customers wants a KPI dashboard with mulitple graphs. We tried the mendix reporting and simple charts but performance is bad. We also tried Fusion charts but are unable to get multiple charts in one form. We tried: - Template grids - Multiple dataviews (microflowsource) - Multiple grids with listening dataviews - widget: dataviewgrid None of these solutions work, probably caused by the same reason. It looks like that a form can only handle one instance of the widget on each form/screen. So if we have 5 graphs and 5 dataviews the last genereated XML graph is shown in the first instance of the widget. Other instances remain empty. Solution ????
3 answers

I suggest filing a bug report.

Note that the latest version of simple charts (released ~2 weeks ago, is significant faster than its predecessors)


Hi René,

I've been able to reproduce the problem, I suggest you create a support ticket for this. This seems to be an issue with the FusionCharts module.


Is your dashboarding problem solved?
