email is not being sent

Hi, I've installed the Email Module in my project. When I call the 'AdvEmail.SendEmailMessage' Microflow, it always returns me true weather I set the Email SMTP settings or not. But Even if I am using the Gmail SMTP server settings, but still it doesn't send any email neither I see any error in Console. Anybody please help me, what I am doing wrong or what am I supposed to do in order to send email using Email Module? Thanks, Rajnish
2 answers

With Gmail SMTP be careful choosing the correct Port. Some of the ports require TLS. This is not included in the default email client. Play around with 465 and 587.

Check your firewall.

Ask your sysadmin for company firewall settings. Or start trying it at home.


Isn't your email silently rejected by gmail, for example because it looks like spam or the message is not formatted correctly? As far as it concerns the module the message is delivered correctly otherwise it would have thrown either an error or returned false (did you check that as well?)
