Deep link module not working anymore

I've installed the Deep Link module and I got it working just fine. However after re-starting the modeller a few times it just stopped working. I've traced the problem to the login name of the user that is trying to use a deep link. All users with a '@' in their login name are not able to use deep links. Users without a '@' in their name don't have a problem. Any ideas on how to fix this? p.s. I'm running the most recent version of the app from the appstore.
2 answers

I've figured it out. It seems when using the built-in database that user names with a '@' cause the deep link module not to work. When I switched to a Postgres database I was able to use both users with and without a '@' in their names.


That sounds weird. Isn't it a problem of roles or something? Or maybe an error in the microflow that is triggered by the deeplink?
