If you look at the time as well, it will most likely say 24-01-1995 22:00 in the message, and 25-01-1995 00:00 in the modeler. Notice the two hour time difference, which is also the time difference between current Dutch time and UTC.
If you only select a date in your application, I think it puts the time at 00:00 by default. If you map such a date to XML, it will print the UTC value, which is two hours earlier if you are in the Netherlands (one hour in winter time). Hence it becomes 24-01-1995.
I think a solution is to turn localization off. You can do this in the domain model by double clicking on the DateTime attribute and turning localization off. Carefully consider the consequences of turning off localization though - as the attribute will then always display the same date & time, regardless of which timezone the viewer is in.