Wizard Page Layout Issue

Hi I have built a series of pages in a standard wizard page layout. (centred wizard). When I put more than 7 pages in the series I run into spacing issues. Is there a limit to the number of pages the wizard will handle? Image Link Thanks
2 answers

Hi Sean, in any case when you add more items in a row, spacing becomes challenging. taking that into account; are more then 6 steps really needed?

Answering your question; this isn't a spacing issue, you didn't add the class "wizerd-step" to the added columns. That class, will take care of proper spacing. See my example

in this example you'll see that I added 2 columns in the front & end. because 12 cannot be divided by 8. Another option is to use an offset or right/left alignment classes.


<script async="" src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
