chart in widget not displaying

Hi All, I have three entities i.e,Chart,Dataset,Datapoint and i have given many to many association b/w Chart & Dataset as well as for Dataset and Datapoint i had given many to one association & many to many association. In the microflow, I have taken the chart entity as the parameter and retrieved the list of chart entity objects. I have taken the aggregate activity, to aggregate all list of objects.. Finally I have returned the Chart entity object. I used the chartjs to generate some report. I have followed the same instructions in documentation. But it is displaying nothing..It is just showing some blank on the browser. can anyone suggest me how to achieve it.
1 answers

Are you using the chart in a listview or template grid. There is an issue with 6.8.0 passing context to a widget when in a listview. Tey upgrading to 6.8.1.
