Screens not closing since Mx6.7.1

May be it is just me, but I started to notice that screens are sometimes not closed when pressing a button that would normally also close the screen. I have seen this the last couple of days in Sprintr (the yes / no buttons when stopping an environment). The action is carried out, but the screen does not close so you have to close it with the x. I have seen it also in the delete dialog. Pressing yes will delete the selected lines but the window stays open. Am I the only one seeing this behaviour lately? I use firefox and this could offcourse be browser related. Regards, Ronald [EDIT] Thanks for the response. I have not found a pattern yet when it happens. It is most erratic. I have days that it does not happen and sometimes it happens a couple of times in a hour.
2 answers

I have seen the same issue when stopping the app and it was still running. When choosing the stop application option, it didn't close. I thought I clicked the button too many times (start deployment) and that I caused it, but with your post it might be a bug.

I use the latest version of Chrome.


I have noticed it aswell, mainly while developing (6.8.1) . It seems to happen (more often?) after ''Running locally'' on a application that was allready running. Maybe something to do with refreshing the page? I haven't seen it happen after I shut down and redeploy.
