Input Reference Selector Widget

We have added the widget to a project and it works fine until we add an constraint to the widget. We want to limit the returned data to the set that belongs to a organisation\user. The contraint is: [UsageManagement.AddressUsage_Organisation/UsageManagement.Organization /UsageManagement.Employee_Organization = '[%CurrentUser%]'] The modeler then returns an error: kL: An exception has occurred for the following request(s): jF (depth = 0, amount = 10): //UsageManagement.AddressUsage[UsageManagement.AddressUsage_Organisation/UsageManagement.Organization/UsageManagement.Employee_Organization = 'testert'][contains(AddressLabel,'24')] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Global identifier should be a number (given value: testert) When we apply the same to the normal referenceselector field\form everything works fine Any suggestions?
2 answers

Found the problem in the widget. Will try to get a fix out tomorrow.


Would it be possible to extend this widget to create a new record (or trigger a mf) if no reference is found?
