Rich text v 1.2.2

Hello. I have some static text that I want to display in certain pages of my website (i.e. Home). That text must have format and can be changed just by the administrator. I'm trying to use the rich text suite v 1.2.2 but I just don't know how to retrieve an object for the dataview in which I want to display that text. I already created an Entity that has an attribute for the text and that is all I need. My home page includes a login form, some images and text with links so the purpose is to show this text and links with some format. Probably this question is trivial but I haven't found any tutorial or solution for that. The error that I have is: "Target form of default home page contains top-level data view 'dataView' that needs an object. Use a microflow that retrieves an object and then shows the form instead."
1 answers

From navigation items you can only jump to a) microflows, b) forms that know how to retrieve their data themselves. A form with a data view cannot be used as a navigation target because it does not 'know' which object to show.

The solution is to let the navigation item point to a microflow that retrieves the object you are interested in and then shows in the form with the data view. The 'Show form' activity in microflow lets you select an object to pass to the form. You will need to create an actual object of the given entity before you can retrieve it. This is something you might want to do in a separate form.
