Display logged in user name and Role worked only once

Hi All, I need to show the logged in User name and User role name on each page of my web application. I saw, Login Button widget is available in app store to do that, And I was able to follow all the steps and was able to show the user name, Which by mistaken I set like 'Render as Button'. Later I tried to change this property to 'Render as link' and also tried to show User Role along with User Name. When I was trying to do this, Next time same widget is not returning the Username neither user role. I am not sure if this widget works only once for the app. Also whenever I am restarting my app, Index.html is automatically updating itself and removing the DIV, which I added to show the user name. I've already gone through the following links, But not able to use the login button widget again. https://community.mendix.com/questions/869/How-can-I-display-the-name-of-the-current-user https://community.mendix.com/questions/2075/display-the-name-of-the-current-user-in-the-index-page Please, can someone give me the detailed steps to do this. My requirement is to show information like 'Welcome <username> , <user role="">' at the top of every page.
1 answers

You probably changed the index.html in the deployment directory, which is overwritten every time you start the server. If you include it in a custom theme zip it will keep on working.
