How to translate LDAP add-on

I juts imported the LDAP add-on into a Dutch project, but then a lot of strings are missing, and there's no easy way to determine what they should be (button captions are easy, warning texts not). 1) Is there a better way to translate then opening two modelers in a Dutch resp. English project and going through both simultaneously? 2) If I have to do the translation, is there a way to make these texts available to others, so that they don't have to reinvent the wheel?
2 answers

You could temporarily add the English language to your project and then use the Batch Translate feature to translate from English to Dutch:

  1. Go to your project settings. Add the language 'English (United States)' to your project.
  2. Go to Tools > Batch Translate. Use 'English' as source language and 'Dutch' as target language.
  3. Translate away!
  4. Remove the English language in the project settings.

Alternatively, instead of using Batch Translate in step 2 and 3, you can just open the relevant forms and microflows and edit the captions directly. Set your language to 'Dutch', and English captions will appear within angle brackets ( <Like this> ) where there is no Dutch translation yet. For this to work, you have to set English as default language in the project settings.


Language operations > copy > from english to dutch for module LDAP
