Standard prices vs customer specific prices

Currently, I am using a template grid to show products with standard catalogue prices. However, some of the customers got price agreements and contracts. How can I make sure that after logging in of a particular customer, the customer is able to see his own prices in the same template grid according to their price agreements and/or contracts?
2 answers

This is a good example of when to use calculated attributes. The best solution is to use a microflow to check if there is a price agreement. Create a microflow connect it to the attribute. The microflow should check if there is an price agreement for the current user and the product.
If there is an agreement return the price from the agreement if there is no agreement return the default price.


Two options I guess:

  1. Using virtual attributes to determine which price you should show in the forms
  2. Use a microflow (on the menu-item) to determine which form you should show to the user (one showing normal prices and one showing special prices (if they are stored as such in the db))