How can I determine where file manager or image uploader stores its data?

When I use a file manager or image uploader on my form: How can I determine in which binary attribute the uploaded data is stored?
2 answers

The uploader widgets don't store files as binary data in attributes.

The files are stored on the file system. To access a file and get the data you can use in JAVA the Core API - Core.getFileDocumentContent(IMendixObject obj) - to retrieve a with the IMendixObject that represents the FileDocument.

I hope this helps you, if not please explain why you asked this question and where you need the binary data.


Five years later... Locally, the documents are saved under a subfolder of deployment/data/files/. To know the original file name, you should have a look on the field [system$filedocument].[uuid]. If you are patient and lucky, you should fine your original document with this name.
