Is there a tool to document the mendix connectivity framework(Show which entities in Mendix are linked to which tables in DB)

Is there a tool to document the mendix connectivity framework(Show which entities in Mendix are linked to which tables in DB) We have many domain models with many entities. In the Oracle DB we are struggling to match the associations with the association tables.If the name is to long in Oracle the name gets changed and numbers are added at the back. eg IncentiveTemplateIncentiveItem may get changed to Incentive$Temp123456 and IncentiveTemplateIncentiveConfigurationTemplate will get changed to Incentive$Temp123457 These tables then look much the same. So my question is. Is there a report or a tool we can use the map these associations to the association tables in the DB?(The mendix connectivity framework must store this some were)
2 answers

From 3.0 this mapping will be stored in the database as well.


Have a look at
