MxModelReflections Tokens

I am trying to setup tokens in MxModelReflections to use in my email templates when called from a microflow. I have created a token : {%email%} and used this in my email template : - Hello: {%email%} It doesn't seem to replace the token in the email when sent? I presume that I am not referencing the token properly in the template?
2 answers

Did you call the java action ReplaceToken for each of the Tokens in your email template?
It can't be that you are referencing the Token wrong because you'll have to build the functionality yourself. So if you've build a flow that replaces the token it should work, if you haven't build such a flow than that's the reason why it doesn't work.


Maybe the token function is to generate unique codes and you need to do the search-replace in the email yourself?
