XSD / WSDL elements not supported

I am trying to implement a webservice call to import vehicle details based on license plate input. There is a commercial webservice available online for this, the WSDL can be found at https://ws1.webservices.nl/car/soap.php?wsdl This WSDL, however, when imported, causes the following warnings: I have to say that it is very common for Mendix to 'dislike' the XSD or WSDL elements that we and out clients use, so I kept going and added the call to a microflow, and created a mapping to map the WS response to Mendix entities. This mapping follows standard procedure: a parameter is given, and all entities cascade down via 1-1 associations, creating new entities as the mapping goes. Everything seems in order, the modeler does not give any errors, and running the application and triggering the webservice generates no errors either. The webservice is called succesfully, and there is a response with all the vehicle data we need. However, the mapping seems to go all wrong. That is to say: only the top entity is created, and the rest is not. If I create them manually and retrieve them in the mapping, they are not filled. The attributes remain empty. It just seems like no part of the WS response gets stored in the database at all. Is this related to the above image, the warning that we get in Mendix? If so, what can be done about this? Why is the WSDL at https://ws1.webservices.nl/car/soap.php?wsdl not supported?
4 answers

I had a quick look at the WSDL, I think this could be caused by the xsd:all element (http://www.w3schools.com/schema/el_all.asp) which we don't support at the moment. I recommend filing a feature request.


The main reason I see when looking at the WSDL that Mendix doesn't support it, is the use of <xsd:all>. If you replace these with <xsd:sequence> (note that this will slightly change the definition, as elements in <xsd:all> can appear in any order and the order of <xsd:sequence> is fixed), I'm guessing most (if not all) warnings will disappear.


I want to use another service of this provider but experience the same error did you file this problem Querijn like Bas recommends?


Good day,

This this thread is from 9 years ago and I ran into this issues today.

Are there any plans to resolve this from Medix side?

