Mendix service console error

Error message on server: Description: Stopped working Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: mendix service console.exe Problem Signature 02: 1.0.4098.22289 Problem Signature 03: 4d888693 Problem Signature 04: Mendix Service Console Problem Signature 05: 1.0.4098.22289 Problem Signature 06: 4d888693 Problem Signature 07: 47 Problem Signature 08: 27 Problem Signature 09: System.TypeInitialization OS Version: 6.0.6002. Locale ID: 1043 Read our privacy statement:
1 answers

The communication between the Mendix Service Console/Mendix Windows Service and Mendix 3.0 has been changed since the 2.5 versions. The new version of the Mendix Service Console will be released very soon.

Update 28 July: the new Mendix Service Console 2.0.0 for Mendix 3.0 is now available in the Support Portal.
