Other Option in Reference Set Selector

In one of my projects i am trying to capture car information. I therefore need to capture the following information about the car: The Manufacturer, Model and Variant. I have a constraint the reference selector to only show the models that are associated to the model. For Example if you selected BMW for Manufacturer you can select "1 Series" from the model option. What i need to do is have the ability to also select a "Other" option from the list. However this would mean that every manufacturer would have to have a "Other" option. Also every model would have to have a "Other" Variant. Obviously this is not ideal and i would like to do it another way. Has anyone else had a similar issue or has any idea on how to solve this?
1 answers

I guess you are using the 'Constrained by' property to select the relationship between Manufacturer and Model. Instead of that, if you use the X-Path constraint, you can use something like:

[ModelName = 'Other' or Module.Manufacturer-Model = '[%CurrentObject%]']
