Cannot synchronize modeler file: no rights to table

I just tried to deploy my first project on a Sql Server Express database. First I created a database on the database server. Mendix then created a large number of tables, so far so good. But when I choose "3. Synchronize modeler file" it gives this error: Executing 873 data store command(s)... 2009-08-31 10:43:53.060 ERROR - CONNECTIONBUS: Error on executing: ............1: Exception raised: De gebruiker is niet gemachtigd om deze actie uit te voeren. b: Back x: Shutdown I assume it has something to do with the SQL users but I can't find the solution. Do you have an idea what to do? Edward Thanks, Edward
6 answers

The database user who is configured for the database connection from the XAS, must have sufficient rights for the synchronization task. Did you use 'integrated security' or have you specified a user name and password in the Modeler Server Settings? For more information about configurating SQL Server users, see this page.

You said that there are already created a large number of tables. However there are some SQL commands which require more privileges then others. You can try to do the actions of these SQL commands manually. See this page for more information. When you have followed the steps on that page, try again to synchronize the Modeler file.


Do you run a local database server? Then you can try to give your SQL Server user the following roles: 'public' and 'sysadmin'. The last role gives the user full database server maintenance access, so it is very (!) insecure/dangerous to use this for other (production) servers. Try it only on a local pc.

Check also if the user has the roles 'db_owner' and 'public' on the database you connect to.


Jonathan has resolved the issue!

I had created a project named A. In the server settings I put the same datababase name A. That caused the problem. The modeler database and the actual database should be different.


Have you tried to run the business modeler as an administrator?


Looking more closely at the error, it tries to execute a stored procedure 'sp_rename'.

Could the problem be in that particular procedure?


Could anyone please mail me the 'configure the SQL-server' document for I cannot login to the 'Confluence'-system. Thanks, e.hulleman
