CSS Styles

How do I create a separate style for some buttons to use, I don't want all the buttons to change, as I changed the layout.css file, All the buttons in my project changed. .tundra .mendixButtonbutton .mendixButtoncontent { padding: 0 8px; } This is the line I changed. And then how do I create another style called something else? I would like to set the button's properties->style to ingerit the specified values to that newly created style
3 answers

You can style some buttons with your own custom css class. There are different ways to do this.

Dataview/Datagrid Add a class to your dataview and then you can add specific styling by using something like this:

.yourcustomcssclass .tundra .mendixButtonbutton .mendixButtoncontent {
color: red;

This will apply for default and custom microflow buttons in your control bar and microflow triggers in you dataview.

Microflow triggers You can also add a class to a microflow trigger.

alt text


Use the class property. Style in inline CSS, class refers to styles in an external CSS file.


Sorted it out self. Thanks
