Distinct values

Hi. I have 2 entities VDI and Host. The relation between them is N:1 (a VDI can be just in one host). But the name of the VDI can be the same although its id is different. I need to show this VDI's in a Reference Selector but just distinct values of the name. Is it possible to do this with Xpath? I know it is possible to use OQL right? but then I cannot use it to retrieve information and show it on the screen (in this case, on a reference selector). Any hint?
2 answers

OQL can only be used in reports and not within your reference selectors. As you stated in order to limit your results you need to use XPATH queries.

However, reading your question over and over i don't think i understand you correctly. You have VDI N -> 1 Host and you want to select the VDI from a Host but you only want to show each VDI once? Why would the VDI have the same name if it is a different object that is coupled to a different Host? If the VDI actually are different objects then i would suggest adding a nr to the name so that you see which VDI to select.


Would it work if you created a separate entity just for the (unique) VDI name. You can then link the Name to the VDI records... ?
