Applet calling

I'm trying to call applet by using HTMLSnippet widgets, I'm using html code,"<applet codebase="../../../../model/lib/userlib" archive="MYApplet.jar" code="MyApplet.class" name="ViewONE" align="middle"> </applet>" unfortunately it is showing "ClassNotFoundException". Can anyone tell me the absolute path of form?
3 answers

If I'm reading this correctly you're trying to load MYApplet.jar from the model/lib/userlib directory.

This directory isn't served via the HTTP interface, so there's no path for it. What you probably want to do is bundle the MYApplet.jar archive in a theme package so it can be served up as an asset.


Actually the applet is not part of the form but part of the javascript that is inside your HTMLSnippet widget. So you should start from the widgets folder.


You can't acccess ../model trough an url (that would make it possible for anyone to just download your model from the server).

If you want to access an applet public, you should put it somewhere in the web folder.
