Changed Server ID in Mendix 3.0-rc1 testing environment

We're setting up multiple environments at a customer site, including a test/acceptance environment. However, after changing some settings in the Mendix Settings.yaml file, the server suddenly has a new Server ID. This is inconvenient, as we have to request a Server ID change, which takes quite some time, thus preventing us from running a stable runtime. Can you tell me which variables are responsible for a change in Server ID in a Mendix 3.0-rc1 runtime environment? Kind regards, Jonathan van Alteren - FlowFabric
3 answers

The most common seen problem is not deploying with the same user under Windows, which causes a change in server ID.

If this is not the case, please contact us directly through a support ticket.



I have the same question as the original poster, but the answer is lacking. What are the variables where the ServerID is based on? I read that the yaml file is one of them, but what about network MAC, processor ID, other?

Regards, Paul


Are you sure that it is just the user? The OP refers to the yaml file, which contains the name of the user as well. Is it the yaml file, or is it the user that runs the process?
