Mendix 3.0 and 2.5.*

The release of Mendix 2.5.6 brought the possibility of binary attachments with webservices. However, 3.0 was then already in beta. Now 2.5.8 is scheduled, and also 3.1.0. I'm seeing parallel development here, however can I assume that 3.0 now has also the possibility for binary attachments? In short, does the 3.* versions will have the same new functionalities which are being added to the 2.5.* versions?
2 answers

Yes, all improvements and fixes applied to 2.5 are ported to 3.x. So, all fixes in 2.5.8 will be available in 3.1.0.


This brings to mind a question. Not all customers want to be on the bleeding edge of the latest release, and I assume currently Mendix are supporting the code lines for 2.5 and 3.0, and have scheduled maintenance releases for both code lines, but...

I have not seen any official statement about version support. Is 2.4 still being supported? Do Mendix always support the last 2 major releases, the last 3 releases...? At what point is the first answer to any issue, 'Upgrade...'?
